Carol Abrams
Born May 8, 1948, Carol Anne Abrams died 12/27/2017 5:57pm after a 5.5 year long struggle/battle fighting cancer.
At the age of 50 Carol Anne decided to return to school and graduated from Lindenwood University with a BA degree in Communications, graduating Summa Cum Laude, first in her class.
Ms. Abrams joined her husband at Raleigh Farnsworth & Abrams, Inc. literally turning the business around preparing RFA to meet the 21st century along with expected technical advances. Carol's remarkable strength was her ability to focus on solutions rather than the problem at hand and training staff to do the same. Carol Anne had excellent business skills, good common sense and an outstanding way of dealing with people including clients. Through her strong business sense and "never give up attitude" Carol helped form a non profit to help raise money for veterans and their families. ProNet International Gifts & Scholarships, a registered public charity and 501 C 3. Through Carol's warm and compassionate personality, high intelligence, work ethic and extremely high competence Carol helped raise over 30k for veterans and their families.
Besides all of the above, Carol Anne Abrams was a loving and nurturing mother to her children, Sydney and Matthew, a big sister to her brother, Craig and a loving and devoted wife to her husband.
Carol Anne Abrams is sadley missed by her family and friends, a life cut too short. Nevertheless her spirit, sweetness, pleasant demeanor and beauty lives on in our memories. Rabbi Zev' Smason so eloquently put it, "Carol will be deeply missed; but perhaps there's a small degree of comfort to be felt in knowing that Carol is in a better place. May her soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life, and may her memory be a blessing for us all."